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Don’t get canceled.


Now more than ever, business leaders feel compelled to address pervasive social issues. But the stakes are high, and even the most seasoned executives can hesitate under the fear of saying the wrong thing. This is where we come in.

Brands Take Action is a membership community led by PR experts to help you make real change for your employees and consumers. We walk you start to finish on how to take, and communicate, your action on today’s most pressing social issues.


Lead in times of uncertainty.

Social issues are having a bigger impact on business than ever before, and executives are constantly scrambling to meet consumer and employee expectations. People are quick to support or boycott brands based on the values they exhibit, and they will not hesitate to call out hypocrisy if statements and actions don’t line up.



of consumers buy from, or advocate for, brands based on their beliefs and values.

– Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence, 2023


of Gen Zs and 34% of Millennials have turned down job offers from employers that do not align with their values.

– Deloitte Global Gen Z and Millennial Survey, 2023


of American adults believe CEOs should speak out on political, social and/or cultural issues directly related to their business, while an additional 27% believe they should speak out regardless.

– Morning Consult Analysis Report: What Consumers Expect from CEOs, 2022


Always say the right thing at the right time.

Branding professionals need to operate at a faster pace than ever before. All of our resources are organized by social issue so that you can make sense of today’s rapidly evolving landscape.


Get real-time advice

Gain access to invitation-only member events and live webinars where subject matter experts share insights on developing issues and answer your most pressing questions.

Join a like-minded community

The Brands Take Action community brings together inspiring branding professionals who are finding creative solutions to today’s challenges.

Plan ahead, to avoid a crisis

Streamline your internal processes with templates, useful guides and how-to’s that prepare your team before a social issue reaches a boiling point.

Know when to speak up

Don’t get caught virtue signaling. Quick-fire questionnaires help you identify which issues are most relevant to your business and communities.

Gain actionable intelligence

Brands Take Action’s knowledge hubs explain nuanced social issues to provide you with the fluency you need to address them without putting your foot in your mouth.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

We provide lists of vetted nonprofits that have been leading this work on the ground for decades, to better inform your decisions around corporate donations and social impact partnerships.


Join our community of purpose-driven brands.

You are not alone in tackling these challenges. Brands Take Action brings together like-minded brand communicators and executives taking meaningful action on today’s most pressing social issues. About Brands Take Action.



+ Who is Brands Take Action for?

Brands Take Action is for professionals in charge of managing their brand's reputation and/or communicating around their brand. Members include founders, CEOs, in-house brand communicators and marketers, HR, PR execs, or talent management advising clients on social media and public reputation.

+ How does Brands Take Action compare to PR or crisis management consultants?

Brands Take Action provides communications tools and bite-sized consulting specifically designed for your teams to adapt and deploy. Brands Take Action was created, and is led by, seasoned social impact PR experts. While a crisis management consultant is sometimes the only way for your brand to be reactive or fix a bad PR situation, Brands Take Action allows you to avoid that very situation in the first place.

Best of all, Brands Take Action’s flat rate can easily be planned in your annual budget, as opposed to last-minute crisis management expenses.

+ Will Brands Take Action be specific enough for my business and industry?

Your team is the expert on your brand, and communicating around your brand. But you might not be a subject matter expert on sensitive and nuanced social movements, and that’s ok. Brands Take Action offers the expertise of professionals who eat, sleep and breathe purpose-driven marketing, and keep a vigilant eye on rapidly evolving topics. Brands Take Action gives your team a way to quickly assess which social issues align with your brand’s values and DNA, and the toolkits crucial to taking a stance with success.

+ How does Brands Take Action compare to the social listening I am already doing?

Listening to your customers, employees and broader audiences is super important. No one knows your customer better than you do! However, when it comes to sensitive topics like racial equality, a well-meaning hashtag can quickly become a source of contention. Our knowledge hubs include information about what terminology to use and what to avoid so that you don’t accidentally create a crisis of your own making.

+ How does Brands Take Action work?

Brands Take Action is a subscription-based knowledge hub that provides useful tools for authentic brand activism. Once you become a member you will unlock access to a wealth of content, a members-only forum, and live webinars where thought leaders and experts will answer your most pressing questions.

+ How often is Brands Take Action’s content updated?

Each resource hub is updated in real time whenever there are significant developments in the social movements and as terminology/hashtags evolve. Additional resource hubs are added as the Brands Take Action team identifies big social issues coming down the pike that could boil up into a national frenzy and cause a disruption to your business. Members will be alerted when new hubs are added.

+ How are subscriptions billed?

Brands Take Action memberships can be purchased month-to-month or as an annual subscription. Annual memberships are strongly encouraged for crisis prevention: providing professionals with year-round access to real-time insights as social movements continue to evolve, and advance planning for what upcoming social issues are most likely to impact your business.


See what’s inside.

Chat with us to learn more about Brands Take Action membership.

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