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Climate Change

Climate change is deeply entwined with every organization’s business operations, regardless of industry or size. Vague corporate pledges are not enough to head off climate disasters. But where to start? This challenge can seem overwhelming. This hub helps your company identify the specific areas in which you can do your own part, big or small.

Navigate the resources below by moving through each of the 4 tabs, from “Get Started” to “Take More Action.”



Donate: Vetted Charities & Nonprofits

Many nonprofits have been fighting for decades to protect the environment. These advocacy organizations can serve as expert resources, or might be a fit for your corporate donations or a longer-term partnership. The following is a vetted list to get you started.


The Climate Reality Project
(converts individuals to activists by recruiting and training them on climate change issues)

Conservation Lands Foundation
(community-based advocacy for protection and expansion of conserved land)

Environmental Defense Fund
(mitigates climate and ecosystem impact through energy and health innovation)

Environmental Working Group
(produces research for policy advocacy around agricultural & health regulations)

The Nature Conservancy
(seeks to protect land and water by producing climate-based research)

The National Environmental Education Foundation
(offers environment education via online courses, K-12 curriculum, and research grants)

National Forest Foundation
(restores and enhances national forests)

Rainforest Alliance
(advocating for responsible business actions that protect forests and the livelihoods of farmers and forest communities)

The Sierra Club Foundation
(advances climate solutions and conservation while encouraging human experiences in the environment)

Sustainable Harvest International
(teaches sustainable farming to local communities to eliminate deforestation)

WE ACT for Environmental Justice
(addresses environmental racism through policy advocacy)


Educate/Inform: Vetted Resources

It is crucial to understand the latest research and findings on climate change, and check for updates frequently to ensure you are setting benchmarks against the most recent data available. Consider the list of groups below and the reports they release or summits they host annually.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
(releases comprehensive reports every 6 - 7 years; the most recently released report is from 2021)

Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate
(US-hosted forum with leaders from over 80 countries to discuss & advance climate change legislation)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
(hosts annual climate change summit, Conference of Parties (COP), typically in Q4)


Do More: Business Pledges & Coalitions

Go beyond one-off donations and internal education by incorporating sustainable action into your business, through these business coalitions and certifications.


Custom expertise for your brand.

Book a private 1:1 consulting session with a Brands Take Action expert to help you strategize on the right nonprofits and business initiatives to align with during this time, review your messaging, or tackle any other challenges you’re facing.
