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COVID-19 continues to dominate business decisions and national discussions. Regardless of your brand’s unique circumstances, it is imperative to calmly address this crisis as it continues to evolve today. Whether you are changing workplace policies or continuing aid in community relief efforts, communicating with facts and consistency is of the utmost importance.

Navigate the resources below by moving through each of the 4 tabs, from “Get Started” to “Take More Action.”


Step 1: Tips for making a strong statement

Start here for tips on how to craft strong messaging, both internally and externally.


Step 2: Dos and Don’ts

Be sure to check your messaging against these dos, don’ts and other considerations to ensure your statement won’t accidentally prompt backlash.


Step 3: Statement Starters

Unsure of how to start crafting your statement? Use these prompts to begin.


Step 4: Glossary

Word choice matters. Consult this glossary for nuanced terms in helping you choose which is right for your brand’s own voice and position.


More: External Messaging Guidance

Use these tips for messaging through your brand channels, including social media, email lists, and website.


More: Internal Messaging Guidance

Use these messaging templates as a starting point to draft emails to employees and investors about difficult topics, including COVID-19 layoffs.


Once you’ve crafted your statements, consult our Deployment Playbooks to ensure you’re setting yourself up for both short-term and long-term success.


Want to double-check your messaging before deploying?

Book a private 1:1 consulting session with a Brands Take Action expert to ensure your messaging is strong, on brand, and sets you up for success. 
